We’re Taking the Flocked Swab Rev-Elution to APHL 2014
Puritan Medical Products will be in attendance at the 2014 APHL Annual Meeting and Eighth Governmental Environmental Laboratory Conference in Little Rock, Arkansas June 1-4.
The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) works at all levels of government to detect and monitor emerging public health threats. Their collaborative efforts with the CDC, FDA, EPA, FBI, DHS and WHO help to protect the health of Americans by responding to and reporting on risks ranging from new viral strains to natural disasters and food-borne illnesses.
As the leading manufacturer of diagnostic and environmental sampling swabs and media transport systems in the United States, our products align perfectly with APHL’s interests. That’s why we're bringing our Flocked Swab Rev-Elution to APHL this year. Look for Puritan Medical Products at Booth #319. We’ve got lots in store, including:
- A high-impact video demonstrating the superiority of our flocked swabs
- Samples of our HydraFlock® and PurFlock Ultra® flocked swabs
- Access to an invaluable tool for Puritan Distributors: our free microsite
We’re looking forward to connecting with other APHL members and laboratory professionals at the 2014 APHL Annual Meeting. Hope to see you there!